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2017 Pre-Conference Study Tour

Published on Mar 25, 2017 by Kay Waters

How can a Christian Entrepreneur Not Only Live by Ethical Values, but Also Use Their Company as a Strong Platform to Proclaim the Gospel?

Business leaders from around the world will tackle that question on the FCCI Pre-Conference Study Tour, September 12-16, 2017. This life-changing journey begins in San Francisco, California, continues on to Silicon Valley including Palo Alto, and culminates at the 38th Annual FCCI International Business Leaders Conference in Miami, Florida, September 17-21, 2017.

The trip involves visits to Kingdom Companies whose leaders strive for excellence and desire to use their businesses as a platform for the gospel, as well as fellowship and stimulating discussions with participants from around the world.

Highlights include:

  • Learning about influencial companies in Silicon Valley such as Google, Facebook, Cisco, Ebay, and Tesla;
  • Visiting one of the leading high schools in the United States, Valley Christian School, which has lively connections to Stanford University and NASA;
  • Hear author Skip Vaccarello speak about spiritual awakenings in Silicon Valley as he talks about his book, “Finding God in Silicon Valley- Spiritual Journeys in the High-Tech World”;
  • Attend a worship service at Venture Church where many CEOs of Kingdom Companies are currently members.

Prayerfully consider joining like-minded business leaders on this can’t-miss Pre-Conference Study Tour. For all of the details and the Study Tour schedule, click here. Contact Traudel Knoblauch at with any questions.


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