Kingdom Company Assessment Step 1 of 9 11% This assessment is a tool of self-reflection and growth. Answer honestly and reflect on these statements and questions. Ask God to reveal both strengths and areas in which your organization still needs to grow. You should return to this page from time to time and retake the assessment so that you can monitor your organization's progress. Your results will be saved so that you can easily identify areas of growth and areas of difficulty. The company has a positive impact in our industry and community, and the testimony to support it.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never There is a culture of prayer evident in the Christian company leaders and employees.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never I see evidence of love, grace, peace, and joy in those who contact our company.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never I see evidence that our staff members are moving forward in their spiritual journey.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never Employees, customers and suppliers know the company operates on biblical values.* All know All employees and some non-employees Some are aware in and outside the company Very few are aware in and outside the comany Not an issue I have written out a brief testimony; sharing my story and detailing what God has done in my life.* Yes, I have I share; but only spontaneously My story is clear; but I keep it private I struggle with telling my story I'm not sure what God is or has done in my life We are open to using a third-party chaplain.* Yes and committed Intrigued; but not quite there, yet Interested; but need to know more Aware; but don't see the value No We have ministry offerings in place to provide help in strengthening marriages and families.* Yes Actively exploring options & desiring to delpoy Need to know more Aware of options; but not sure No, we don't We have ministry-oriented budget items for providing employees help with things like counseling and financial training.* Yes Moving that way, seeking options Aware of need, open to consideration Aware of need; but not able/willing to budget Not iinterested We have methods for discretely accepting ministry suggestions from within the company.* Yes and everyone knows the process and point of contact We do ministry through the company; but I handle the whole process Our company ministry is so-so, wih marginal methodology We have very little ministry in and throught he company Not on the radar We identify ministry opportunities among our employees and their families.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never Our company has a strategy in place to encourage a culture of ministry within the company and into the community.* Yes, it is part of our planning process We have a ministry strategy; but it is not integrated with our business plan We promote ministry; but struggle with a culture of ministry Ministry in and through the company is maginal Not on the radar Our company leadership seeks out ways to glorify God in routine business activities.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never We have a clear sense of the gifts and talents of our work team, and understand how they can fulfill various needs.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never I have written a “Founder’s Purpose Statement” that expresses my eternal purpose for the business.* Yes I have clarity on my own purpose in business; but no written expression I have strong ideas about my purpose; but lack clarity I have lots of question marks around my purpose in business Not even on my radar We have clear core values that govern daily activities, and they all reflect biblical values.* Yes Biblical principles are clear; but not fully implemented We work on Biblical values & governance; but have a long way to go We long for clarity on Biblical values & governance Not an issue I understand that to fulfill God’s purpose, I must seek His Kingdom first. [Mt 6:33]* Yes & Amen! I wrestle with what that means; but am deeply committed to its pursuit I am aware of the idea; but wrestle with the concept It may be important; but not central my purpose It's not an issue A team prays for employees, their families, customers, suppliers, and others.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never I have regular alone time with God, seeking His plan for how I can be an ambassador for Christ.* Consistently, on a schedule Pretty consistently; but needing improvement Occasionally; but not consistently Seldom Never We promote a culture of prayer; soliciting prayer requests while encouraging and promoting voluntary prayer.* Always Usually Often Seldom Never Would you like a copy of the results to be emailed to you? Yes, please! Email* Postal Code* Are you a business owner?*