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Powerful Transformational Resources for Executive Leaders!


Today, we are featuring what I believe will be the most impactful speaker’s audio and video package we have ever done. Free Sample in our Library, take a look and order today…

It’s our 2015 Plenary and Breakout Speakers package from our amazing International Business Leaders Conference just held near Tucson, AZ.

If you’re a business leader or an entrepreneur — or want to be — you have to order your package now. It’s not every day you get to learn from people like Dennis Rainey, Randy Pope, Jim Harris, Phil Tuttle, Steve Green, Walt Wiley, Peter Freissle, and Dr. Bruce Wilkinson. (Plus 18 other speakers from our breakout sessions.)

We are making it easy for you to order, go to and place your order.

Once ordered, you will receive a link to stream the material package and watch away for as long and as many times as you like. You can watch on your own schedule.

But here’s the thing… 

When I say I believe this will be the most impactful thing we’ve ever done, I’m not talking about FCCI’s impact.

I’m talking about YOURS. 

We are providing you with the tools and resources to impact the world, through powerful materials and business. People in the world are struggling because they haven’t heard your message or passion but now they can and these tools will equip and encourage you to reach staff, vendors, and consumers alike. They’re just waiting on your influence.

You’ll have clarity about the impact you want to make on the world. You’ll have a plan to build powerful, authentic influence — and it will start happening way faster than you imagined. You’ll be buzzing with inspiration and motivation to make it happen. Be a part of something amazing.

Also, mark your calendars for the 2016 FCCI International Business Leaders Conference, September 18 – 22, 2016. Pre-register today at or call Frank Vann at770 685-6009.

The “ripple effect” is going to be amazing. I want you to be a part of it.

In His service,



Urgent! Update Your Account!


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Cor 5:17
Dear FCCI Members and Friends,
You’ve heard the GREAT news – we have a new website! 
With change comes process, and EVERYTHING is new – even your profile.
EVERYONE (even Terrence!) needs to update his or her profile!
It just takes a second, so click here for the quick link!
If you don’t update your profile, you will continue to get messages from the ‘old’ until you’ve completed the new.Yes, everything is made new! Don’t delay – do it today!

Check out your all new FCCI website!


Making an Eternal Impact

“Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:41-42
What does making an eternal impact look like in a practical way? For those of us in leadership at FCCI, it ‘looks like’ tools you can use everyday. Sometimes we refer to FCCI resources as ‘benefits to membership,’ but truly they are our must have tools in our toolbox – and, they should be in your toolbox and in the toolbox of any Kingdom minded leader.

As leaders at FCCI, we talk a lot about FCCI membership. Do you wonder about the ‘WHY’ of being an FCCI member?

While everyone’s ‘why’ is different, for many of us, FCCI helps us leverage our businesses, our lives and our relationships to make an eternal impact. And, speaking of impact, a really big ‘why’ of our membership is because FCCI reaches leaders in over 100+ countries. On our own, we could never reach to all these places and into thirsty leaders’ hearts. FCCI continually reaches out and offers these tools in many different languages. Eternal impact is happening around the globe.  

Friends, FCCI offers full access to all the tools in our toolboxes with membership. FCCI also offers other equipping and encouragement free of charge. Have you visited FCCI’s new website? Please do and enjoy  exploring our new website! No time to explore now? Click here for a direct link to update your info.

Below are just a few tools and resources you’ll have access to through FCCI as you seek to make an eternal impact in your business, life and relationships. We’ve provided links so you can check out a few of them. Yes, we like to say these are ‘benefits of membership,’ but really, these are essential tools in our toolboxes as Kingdom minded leaders. It’s an honor to come alongside you in your leadership journey. Please don’t delay – what will be the fruit of your eternal impact?

Serving with you,
Your FCCI Leadership Team

  • Searchable library of Christian Business resources
  • Equipping and encouragement from our weekly blog post
  • Equipping and encouragement from our webinars on business
  • Discounts for our online Christian Business Entrepreneurial course
  • Discounts on registration fees for our International, Regional and Young Execs Conferences
  • FCCI New Members Kit – includes the FCCI book, A Walk in the Market
  • Business consultation from distinguished business leaders in the industry
  • Free Assessments – Spiritual Maturity and Kingdom Company
  • Relationships with other Christian Business leaders worldwide
  • Discounted resources from ourBooks and CD catalog

  • Participation in our Business Leadership Groups
  • FCCI weekly Newsletters
 to equip and encourage you
  • Recruit new talent in the organization by participating in our FCCI Fellows summer intern program
  • FCCI International Conference breakout speaker opportunities
  • Brand exposure to one of the largest Christian Business CEO and Leadership organizations in the world through Corporate Sponsorship opportunities
Register now for the 37th Annual International Business Leaders Conference!

Order your Speaker Streaming Video and Audio Package from the 2015 ‘Building Lives Together’ Conference. Click here to pre-order – available on October 15th. Get your special price today!

FCCI is a 501(c)3 organization. Your membership is a charitable donation that help us provide business leaders like you with the tools to transform their businesses into a Christ-first force for marketplace ministry.