“It’s Transformational” in 2017
FCCI is poised for the most important impact in its history. Thanks to you, we have achieved healthy growth, financial stability, and life-changing impact. Together, we can take FCCI to the next level and strengthen our presence in 139 countries worldwide.
You are a key reason FCCI is a transformational marketplace ministry. We believe 2017 will be an amazing year, and we need everyone on board. FCCI’s biggest need is in the area of Group Leadership. We need 300 new Group Leaders to facilitate Business Leader Groups in 2017.
Are you called to make an impact on the lives of other business leaders? Are you called to have an impact on communities the Lord has placed you in? Have you attended a business leadership group for years and now feel it’s time to facilitate a group and multiply the Kingdom effort?
Sign up for the next Group Leadership Training on February 2, 2017 at the new FCCI Headquarters in Alpharetta, GA.*
Let’s pray how the Lord will call us in 2017. Prayer, Unity, and Purpose will bring forth Transformation through the FCCI platform. We are ready for the calling, are you? Sign up today, and let’s take America and the nations to the center – Jesus Christ.
* You must be signed in to your account to register for Group Leadership Training. Not a member? Join today!