Executing with Excellence 1-6of12 | CLASSICS | Group Resource
Executing with Excellence 7-12of12 | CLASSICS | Group Resource
Mark Whitacre | Transformed! | FCCI Team Albuquerque.
Mark Whitacre | You Can’t Outgive God | Redemptive Business
Only when God says “It’s over” Testimonial
It’s only over when God says it’s over!
Have you ever faced the dreaded moment when the numbers, the accountants, the attorneys, and others around you say, ‘It’s over.’ ‘Close up shop, sell the assets, shut the doors.’ So ‘they’ say. But, as Janet Chihocky, Founder and CEO of Janson Communications, will attest, if God called you into the business, it isn’t over till God says it’s over.
So how do you discern God’s will? Janet advises not to ‘go it alone.’ Janet is a supporting member of our FCCI Nashville Business Leadership Group. In this video interview with FCCI’s Ken Powell, she shares part of her journey, and how God used an FCCI Conference to re-fuel, restore, and infuse hope during a difficult season. She also shares how God is using FCCI in her life now.
Plus, if you don’t believe angels exist here on earth – she has a (God) story to tell you!
Janet is challenging her Nashville BLG to make an investment, personally and professionally, to attend the FCCI 2021 Colorado Retreat. If you were in her group, she’d share her ‘why.’ If you need encouragement, or have questions, contact us at csr@fcci.org and we’ll get the message to her.
Hear part of her story in the interview, then consider joining Janet, your FCCI team, and like-hearted business leaders at our 2021 FCCI Retreat, Created for Purpose, October 3-7th 2021, The Ritz-Carlton, Bachelors Gulch, CO.
We invite you to be part of this relationship-rich experience with the Fellowship! Be blessed by the conversations, the encouragement, and the learning. Please pray, and perhaps God has a divine appointment just for you.
Power of Contentment
Virtue in a Virtual World
Unforgettable Eternity Illustration
Life Planning for Champions