Marana Tha Means “Our Lord Come”
Marana Tha means “Our Lord Come”…
Our prayer is that the Lord comes throughout this great nation and around the world. Let Him come through the churches. Let Him come through the marketplace. Let Him come through FCCI. Let Him come through our International Business Leaders Conference. Let Him come through you and me.
The work ahead is long, hard, and messy but worth every bit of it. It is priceless and eternal. It frees the captives to the fullness of His grace that we all need and long to experience.
He has challenged us to demonstrate Christ-like love and care in our businesses, in the community, and for the nation. FCCI transforms through you and through your business for the nations. We have planted His seed and now it’s time for harvest. We need laborers and we need group leaders to lead the charge of transformation. Pray about leading an FCCI Business Leadership Group. Also, come to the FCCI conference for equipping, encouragement, envisioning, refreshing, rejoicing, prayer, and praise.
We need your help to make Our world strong again, to make FCCI strong in and throughout Your sphere of influence. Will you come? We need you!
The eternal lives of others are at stake. Place your schedule, financial stewardship, confidence, and concerns in Jesus. He will provide the victory. There is an urgency now that his people must stand for righteousness, stand in unity, and stand in love. The marketplace can reach people who are not in the pews but in the cubicles of this nation.
His love will sustain us and will position us for this stand.
I am praying for you guys today.
“Marana tha”
– Terrence