The Importance of Discipleship and Group Leadership
The Barna Research Group published a study this week on “The State of Discipleship” in the U.S. Their startling discovery: only 20% of Christian adults are involved in some sort of discipleship activity. Furthermore, two in five (41%) Christian adults surveyed consider their spiritual life to be “entirely private.” Friends, how can we expect to change the world for Christ if we go it alone?
FCCI is a community of business leaders working together to transform the world through marketplace ministries. Our Business Leadership Groups are modeled after the early church, emphasizing teaching, participatory learning, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer.
Business Leadership Group members gather weekly to encourage and equip each other to pursue God’s purpose for their lives and their businesses. By providing an environment of accountability, authenticity, and shared wisdom, members learn to apply biblical principles in every area of their lives. The result: they are transformed as leaders and business owners, and that transformation touches everyone within their sphere of influence.
Are you being called to make an impact on the lives of other influencers? Become a Business Leadership Group Leader! Sign up for the FCCI Group Leadership Training on October 13, 2016.
*You must be a Member of FCCI and signed into your account to be able to register for Group Leadership Training.