The State of Christian Evangelism Today
“Christians are not excited enough about their faith in and relationship with Jesus Christ to share the basics of that faith with non-believers”, states new research from the American Culture and Faith Institute (ACFI).
According to this research, church attendance in America is down, the number of people that call themselves Christians is on the decline, small group participation has dropped by half in less than ten years, and the number of adults who pray has significantly decreased in recent years.
ACFI tells us that there is only one likely reason for these declines: Christians are simply not excited about their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ and therefore do not share their faith with others, especially the “non-believers”.
What an opportunity for the rise and strengthening of FCCI. Our passion and mission is to carry out The Great Commission. In Matthew 28, Jesus commands his disciples to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” We must dedicate ourselves fully to the fulfillment of the Great Commission, not out of a sense of legalistic duty, but out of love and gratitude for what Christ has done for us.
People everywhere are hungry to know Christ and to know the love that comes from knowing Him. Share the passion of FCCI by joining the movement of world changers. Become a member, register for the business leaders conference, lead a Business Leaders Group, and finally learn more about our FCCI XPress Your Faith initiative.
Go and make disciples of all nations! The future depends on it!