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FCCI’s fellowship delivers value through conferences, city-wide and regional events and leadership groups. Here are two powerful voices with timely messages from recent events…

FCCI equips and encourages Christian business leaders to operate their businesses and conduct their personal lives in accordance with biblical principles. We are a fellowship of companies that is strengthened by your involvement in our conferences, events and groups. Here is a sampling of content from a 2020 FCCI event. 

We pray these segments will bless you as you apply your faith in the workplace, build strong enterprises as platforms for ministry, and lead your company for Christ.  We look forward to connecting with you!

For more information, please visit  or call (770) 685-6000. Sign up for our e-newsletter.

FCCI is a 501(c)3 organization. Your membership is a charitable donation that help us provide business leaders like you with the tools to transform their businesses into a Christ-first force for marketplace ministry.