Would you fire Jesus as your HR Mgr? | Group Resource
with Bill Job
Jesus cares SO much more about people than the nuts and bolts of business, or even profitability. What would happen if Jesus became your HR Manager? Would you cheer Him on on His decisions, take exception or would you fire Him? Bill Job takes us on the journey that has changed how he sees, sows into and grows people in some proven ways that may seem very counterintuitive, until you see and hear the results.
Hearing from God | Group Resource
with Bill Job
Jesus once rebuked the Pharisees, saying that they did not recognize God’s voice because they did not know Him. Some Christians don’t give that much thought. However, for someone who is committed to following Jesus, there are many subjects in life that the Scriptures are silent on. How does one discern God’s voice? How do you? Join now for a dip into the well of infinite wisdom, that of God’s guidance through His written and spoken word!
3-part Discussion & Application Guide, expected soon -
What You Know About Ministry–Wrong?
with Bill Job
Is there a chance that what we have been taught about ministry is wrong? Join Bill Job on a journey in pursuit of answers that may surprise you and kick over some apple carts of conventional wisdom!
Unexpected Impact… Unlikely Heroes
with Bill Job
In our weakness, God’s strength is manifest. Almost all of the heroes of the Old and New Testament were not the likely candidates; but their availability to God trumped their abilities. It has always been God’s plan to use imperfect man to be part of His perfect will. God’s grace is magnified and multiplied in this brief story that Bill Job shares of unexpected impact from unlikely heroes.
Power of Contentment
with Bill Job
What if the greatest obstacle on your spiritual journey were a lack of contentment? References to discontentment appear throughout the Bible. Warnings in the New Testament are found in lists of sins that are lumped in with murder. Fresh victories in life and eternity may hinge on a simple check in with the Lord on the matter of contentment.
How did they learn to walk with God?
with Bill Job
What’s the best way to teach people how to walk with God? Without a program, resources or even a plan, this simple way spans cultures, languages and more Fruitful success speaks loads.
Hearing from God
with Bill Job
After 9/11/2001, Henry Blackaby powerfully brought the truth of John 8:47 to FCCI. If we belong to God, we should hear from Him. If we have not, it may be because we have never sought to hear His voice, or we have turned away from HIs voice. How do you practically seek His voice? Bill Job unfolds some practical applications to the same truth. Consider also John 8:19; John 10:1-18 & 10:27.
Unforgettable Eternity Illustration
with Bill Job
Jesus took experiences to those He taught to clarify and illustrate eternal truth, very effective in teaching about an invisible realm that governs all that we see, hear, taste and touch. Bill uses something that we all have experience with as an illustration to better understand the mind-boggling concept of eternity.
Jesus as your HR Manager?
with Bill Job
What if Jesus took over hiring for your company? | How much do best practices overlap with Kingdom Practices? | How do we hear when God has spoken and know His voice? | Bill’s passion for art, technology, composites and the Asian people converge in his daily work, fully committed to honoring God and people as ministry and mission.