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Redefining Business Leadership as “Stewardship”

Published on Oct 7, 2016 by Elisa Nash

Today, the Washington Times, in partnership with the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, published a special report entitled Faith at Work: Economic Flourishing, Freedom to Create and Innovate.” The report includes 32 articles from various authors from a broad spectrum of backgrounds–business, political, cultural, and theological.

The Fellowship of Companies for Christ International is redefining the rules on business. “Markets with a conscience thrive.” Conscience literally means mindful awareness of right and wrong. For a Christian, that means recognizing God as the one who defines right and wrong, then acting in accordance.

Most people would say that a business exists to produce shareholders’ value, or profits. This is a true statement of sorts, but can a nation thrive with this belief?

Let’s propose a different view.

Business leaders who are integrating biblical principles in their lives and businesses learn that their companies exist for a greater purpose: to honor God, to create wealth and to support the community through Christian service. That is a different, or redefined, mission statement with eternal objectives.

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