FCCI Group Content Yr 1-3
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Suggested Year 1 Video Series
Supplemental galleries provide over 7 years of proven new and classic series to help build Kingdom companies for Christ.

Suggested Year 2 Video Series
Explore the content management features–Each multi-session video series features a “hamburger icon” to the right of the gear icon for chapter selection in most talks for group use. The gear icon offers speed settings so you can accelerate playback for reviewing purposes.
Suggested Year 3 Video Series
Begin with the End in Mind | Our Purpose & Process
Our groups use a kingdom leader/kingdom company developmental process called Pathway to Purpose [P2P]. We pursue dynamic growth in Spiritual Maturity, Servant Leadership, Business Excellence and Kingdom Impact [inspired by Luke 2:52]. Our purpose is defined by a passionate desire to finish well and stand before Jesus Christ at the Bema Judgment seat [Matthew 25:14-29; 2Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 22:12; Colossians 3:17-24]. Salvation is by grace, through faith in Christ–and He saves us to reach others and do good in every dimension of life [Ephesians 2:8-10]. Our own ultimate success is determined by how we are received by Him. Our business stewardship is an important part of that moment!
Pathway to Purpose is a journey with God toward our finish lines with content, tools and processes in community with believers committed to finishing well.
P2P focus–A business owner who follows Christ should grow in knowledge and intimacy with God [Luke 2:52, 2 Peter 1:3-11, 3:18]; lead by serving others [Matthew 20:26; 23:11; 24:46], pursue excellence [Psalm 16:3, Proverbs 12:26, 1Corinthians 9:24, 12:31]; and place God’s kingdom priorities first [Matthew 6:33]. Over time, that business owner’s love and leadership can contribute significantly to stewardship of a Kingdom Company. P2P is also focused on building a peer-to-peer community committed to local impact with global connections.
Q. How do you define a Kingdom Company?
<strong>A. By a journey with Christ, in pursuit of objectives close to His heart</strong>
God redeems people, not businesses. However, all things are from Him, for Him and for His Glory [Romans 11:36]. Our best chance to reflect His glory is to line up with His will, Christ’s teachings and to passionately pursue excellence. So, part of our redemptive work on this brief time on earth is to undersand God’s will, what He has set out for us to do, and to do it for His pleasure, His glory and our fulfillment. Doing so can enhance our own value in the marketplace and our eternal reward.
Imagine your city with 10, or even 100 businesses committed to a vision for Kingdom Impact.
Assessments & Tools | Strengthen & Sustain Your Group
- Assess, benchmark, focus and energize your walk in the marketplace with Christ with these 4 powerful assessments
- Group Leader Toolbox–Handy must-have tools to launch & sustain groups
- Check out supplemental first quarter group resource from our partners in the Gospel, Faith Driven Entrepreneurs: Faith Driven Entrepreneur 8 Sessions
Inaugural Meeting
For your first meeting, we recommend using these great ice breakers to prime the pump and get some stimulating thoughts going. We suggest showing one video segment after introductions, opening prayer and a round of responses to three great questions:
- Tell us your name, a little bit of what you do
- How did you get into business?
- How do you see God at work in your business?
After playing the video, ask the following questions and allow the group time to process and respond.
- An open ended question, like: “What most struck you about what we just saw?”
- A follow on question like: “Is there anything you heard that you would like to challenge or affirm?”
- Last, an application question: “Was there anything you heard from the video or during discussion that you believe the Lord would like for you to do or do differently in your business?”
With a round of prayer to “seal commitments” you can adjourn after getting contact information to help begin the process of knitting the group together.