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Faith at Work | ADF Employer’s Guide for Legal Protection

This is a great booklet is full of liberating truths that dispel dozens of false notions constraining Christians from being more expressive with their faith. Teach from the Bible? Counsel with scripture? Open meetings with prayer? Promote and train Biblical truths that frame your company values?–all permissible with a very few very important caveats. A great resource to review in FCCI Groups. You will: -Explore Federal Title VII issues -Liberate your faith at work -Enhance faith expressions -Avoid compliance pitfalls -Build stronger teams
25 pages of great encouragement, healthy boundaries and practical help. You can use this guide to craft company policies, governance and values. The contained information and forms will help your group build strong company cultures that can point people to the Lord and liberate ministry within and through the company.

FCCI is a 501(c)3 organization. Your membership is a charitable donation that help us provide business leaders like you with the tools to transform their businesses into a Christ-first force for marketplace ministry.