Have you thought about what will happen to your business when you retire? Will you sell it? Pass it on to your children? Will it be run by someone who has the same values and worldview as you do? Will it continue to be used as a platform for furthering God’s Kingdom? Yesterday, Forbes published […]
1. What 60 million people are hearing – to introduce them to FCCI! Click here to listen! FCCI is taking the airwaves by storm in major markets to spread the great news about how God cares about your business. Now that you’ve heard it, share it! 2. What people said about last year’s FCCI International Business Leaders […]
An FCCI team recently returned home from a 3-week trip to Southeast Asia, and what an amazing trip it was! First was Indonesia, meeting with Indonesian business leaders, worshipping with local Christians, and touring Pelita Harapan University (UPH), which we are praying will soon begin offering courses from FCCI’s Christian Entrepreneurship Program. The second half […]
How can a Christian entrepreneur not only live by ethical values, but also use their company as a strong platform to proclaim the gospel? Business leaders from around the world will tackle that question on the FCCI Pre-Conference Study Tour, September 14-18, 2016. This life-changing journey begins in New York City, continues on to Rochester, […]
FCCI is committed to bringing up the next generation of kingdom minded business leaders and companies around the world. One way we do this is through the FCCI Fellows Program. FCCI Member and owner of paNASH Passion & Career Coaching, Lori Bumgarner shared with us some of her experience and insights on hiring summer interns. […]
If you regularly attend an FCCI Business Leadership Group, you know how they provide an environment of accountability, authenticity, and shared wisdom where members learn to apply biblical principles in every area of their lives. The result: people are transformed as leaders and business owners, and that transformation touches everyone within their sphere of influence. FCCI, the world’s […]
Alignment Unparalleled! The perfect words to describe the relationship between FCCI / MOTB (Museum of the Bible) as we align to make the Bible and Work a focus for every Christian business owner worldwide. As I think about this alignment and watch it unfolding, I’m overwhelmed by its size, scope, and reach opportunity. To share […]
FCCI, in partnership with the Center for Christian Business Ethics, has created a Christian Entrepreneurship Program that incorporates real-time applications of Christian faith principles to business operations, featuring Biblical material connected to business principles. The courses have a technical nature, and not only teach theory behind business practices, but also how to run a business. […]
We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. And now, we have #GivingTuesday–a day to celebrate generosity and giving. FCCI could not pursue its mission of reaching millions of business leaders for Christ without your faithfulness and generous support. Your donation will help us change even more lives in 2016! […]
The Thanksgiving holiday is a time when we gather with loved ones and reflect upon the many ways in which God has blessed us this year. At FCCI, we are thankful for you. We appreciate your prayers, leadership, commitment, donations, and support that have allowed us to reach tens of thousands of business leaders worldwide. […]
FCCI is a 501(c)3 organization. Your membership is a charitable donation that help us provide business leaders like you with the tools to transform their businesses into a Christ-first force for marketplace ministry.