FCCI Group Content Yr 1-3
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Suggested Year 1 Video Series
Supplemental galleries provide over 7 years of proven new and classic series to help build Kingdom companies for Christ.
Bold Leadership | Kingdom Companies | Dr. Merle Switzer
0m00s 13m17s 29m18s 42m16s

Suggested Year 2 Video Series
Explore the content management features–Each multi-session video series features a “hamburger icon” to the right of the gear icon for chapter selection in most talks for group use. The gear icon offers speed settings so you can accelerate playback for reviewing purposes.
Ownership vs Stewardship III | Walt Wiley
69:53GROUP LEADER NOTE: 3 segments for 3 BLG meetings feature one suggested pause [marked "Part 2" to your right] allowing for application and discussion.
Suggested Year 3 Video Series
Our Cultural Mandate | George Barna
46:29George Barna is completely committed to encouraging and inspiring Christians to influence culture to God’s glory and for the sake of a lost and dying world. His passionately expressed thoughts are grounded in factual truth that is startling to many Christians. Let's join him now…fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/BLGDiscussionGuide-GBarma-MakingEveryDayCount-Culture-1-3.pdf
Begin with the End in Mind | Our Purpose & Process
Our groups use a kingdom leader/kingdom company developmental process called Pathway to Purpose [P2P]. We pursue dynamic growth in Spiritual Maturity, Servant Leadership, Business Excellence and Kingdom Impact [inspired by Luke 2:52]. Our purpose is defined by a passionate desire to finish well and stand before Jesus Christ at the Bema Judgment seat [Matthew 25:14-29; 2Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 22:12; Colossians 3:17-24]. Salvation is by grace, through faith in Christ–and He saves us to reach others and do good in every dimension of life [Ephesians 2:8-10]. Our own ultimate success is determined by how we are received by Him. Our business stewardship is an important part of that moment!
Pathway to Purpose is a journey with God toward our finish lines with content, tools and processes in community with believers committed to finishing well.
P2P focus–A business owner who follows Christ should grow in knowledge and intimacy with God [Luke 2:52, 2 Peter 1:3-11, 3:18]; lead by serving others [Matthew 20:26; 23:11; 24:46], pursue excellence [Psalm 16:3, Proverbs 12:26, 1Corinthians 9:24, 12:31]; and place God’s kingdom priorities first [Matthew 6:33]. Over time, that business owner’s love and leadership can contribute significantly to stewardship of a Kingdom Company. P2P is also focused on building a peer-to-peer community committed to local impact with global connections.
Q. How do you define a Kingdom Company?
<strong>A. By a journey with Christ, in pursuit of objectives close to His heart</strong>
God redeems people, not businesses. However, all things are from Him, for Him and for His Glory [Romans 11:36]. Our best chance to reflect His glory is to line up with His will, Christ’s teachings and to passionately pursue excellence. So, part of our redemptive work on this brief time on earth is to undersand God’s will, what He has set out for us to do, and to do it for His pleasure, His glory and our fulfillment. Doing so can enhance our own value in the marketplace and our eternal reward.
Imagine your city with 10, or even 100 businesses committed to a vision for Kingdom Impact.
Assessments & Tools | Strengthen & Sustain Your Group
- Assess, benchmark, focus and energize your walk in the marketplace with Christ with these 4 powerful assessments
- Group Leader Toolbox–Handy must-have tools to launch & sustain groups
- Check out supplemental first quarter group resource from our partners in the Gospel, Faith Driven Entrepreneurs: Faith Driven Entrepreneur 8 Sessions
Inaugural Meeting
For your first meeting, we recommend using these great ice breakers to prime the pump and get some stimulating thoughts going. We suggest showing one video segment after introductions, opening prayer and a round of responses to three great questions:
- Tell us your name, a little bit of what you do
- How did you get into business?
- How do you see God at work in your business?
After playing the video, ask the following questions and allow the group time to process and respond.
- An open ended question, like: “What most struck you about what we just saw?”
- A follow on question like: “Is there anything you heard that you would like to challenge or affirm?”
- Last, an application question: “Was there anything you heard from the video or during discussion that you believe the Lord would like for you to do or do differently in your business?”
With a round of prayer to “seal commitments” you can adjourn after getting contact information to help begin the process of knitting the group together.
Virtual Meetings | Zoom Training External Links
<strong>FCCI Timeless Classics</strong> | Supplemental Content
Does Your Business Reflect God’s Glory? | Dr. Tony Evans
“You are salt and light” Jesus made a declaration that we ARE, then asked what kind are you? Dr. Tony Evans explores this question and comes to some dramatic and challenging conclusions for personal and business applications.
Purpose, Excellence, Kingdom
Spiritual Leadership | Henry Blackaby
Featuring some great highlights from his book, Spiritual Leadership, Henry presses some powerful and transformation questions regarding how we approach and execute leadership decisions. Are we simply using intellect and native gifting or truly seeking God’s inspiration? How do we tell the difference?
3 Powerful sessions that God might use to change how we think, worship and lead others.
BLG Application & Discussion Guide in development
Servant, Leadership, Kingdom
How Much is Enough | Ron Blue
Ron Blue literally wrote the book on this subject, one of the most powerful and liberating questions that frames up Biblical stewardship. He explores the unique opportunities that we have in this season of relative abundance. Even our modern times of apparent scarcity are more like abundance when considered in time and in eternity.
3 Great sessions with BLG Discussion and Application & Study Guides fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BLGDiscussionGuide.RonBlue.How-Much-is-Enough.1-3.pdf
3Rs of Leadership | Dick Wynn
In his latter years, Dick Wynn’s service as CEO of Youth for Christ became a rich backdrop for ongoing mentoring and consulting relationships that spanned multiple generations and the globe. In this 4-part series, his valuable counsel speaks for itself. The nuggets of experienced tested wisdom come in rapid fire succession, the accompanying note set serves as a framework for copious user notes & reflections.
4 Valuable Sessions with Discussion & Application Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/BLGDiscussionGuide-DWynn-3Rs-of-Leadership-1-4-1.pdf Leadership, Servant, Excellence, Kingdom
True Excellence | Bruce Wilkinson | 1-3
In this CLASSIC teaching from the early 90’s Dr. Bruce Wilkinson explores the Biblical reasons why Excellence is important to God and how those intersect in the marketplace with greater returns, profitability and fulfillment. What if the quality mark of every product and service were “Made by Christians?” Your first thoughts on that subject will probably be very relevant to where Bruce begins and ends this cornerstone teaching.
10 Sessions total, broken into 4 streaming segments, True Excellence 1, 2, 3 & 4
Discussion & Application Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BLGDiscussionGuide..BWilkinson.TruExcellenceReapsGodsRewards-Sessions1-10.pdf
Excellence, Reward, Kingdom
True Excellence | Bruce Wilkinson | 4-5
In this CLASSIC teaching from the early 90’s Dr. Bruce Wilkinson explores the Biblical reasons why Excellence is important to God and how those intersect in the marketplace with greater returns, profitability and fulfillment. What if the quality mark of every product and service were “Made by Christians?” Your first thoughts on that subject will probably be very relevant to where Bruce begins and ends this cornerstone teaching.
10 Sessions total, broken into 4 streaming segments, True Excellence 1, 2, 3 & 4
Discussion & Application Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BLGDiscussionGuide..BWilkinson.TruExcellenceReapsGodsRewards-Sessions1-10.pdf
Excellence, Reward, Kingdom
True Excellence | Bruce Wilkinson | 6-8
In this CLASSIC teaching from the early 90’s Dr. Bruce Wilkinson explores the Biblical reasons why Excellence is important to God and how those intersect in the marketplace with greater returns, profitability and fulfillment. What if the quality mark of every product and service were “Made by Christians?” Your first thoughts on that subject will probably be very relevant to where Bruce begins and ends this cornerstone teaching.
10 Sessions total, broken into 4 streaming segments, True Excellence 1, 2, 3 & 4
Discussion & Application Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BLGDiscussionGuide..BWilkinson.TruExcellenceReapsGodsRewards-Sessions1-10.pdf
Excellence, Reward, Kingdom
True Excellence | Bruce Wilkinson | 9-10
In this CLASSIC teaching from the early 90’s Dr. Bruce Wilkinson explores the Biblical reasons why Excellence is important to God and how those intersect in the marketplace with greater returns, profitability and fulfillment. What if the quality mark of every product and service were “Made by Christians?” Your first thoughts on that subject will probably be very relevant to where Bruce begins and ends this cornerstone teaching.
10 Sessions total, broken into 4 streaming segments, True Excellence 1, 2, 3 & 4
Discussion & Application Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/BLGDiscussionGuide..BWilkinson.TruExcellenceReapsGodsRewards-Sessions1-10.pdf
Excellence, Reward, Kingdom
Excellence in a Mediocre World | Larry Burkett
Christians serving God should exhibit excellence in measures far greater than those who don't. Godly wisdom should bear fruit and be profitable. Why don't we see more excellence inspired Christian
Exponential Leadership | 1-3 | Bruce Wilkinson
From Genesis to Revelation, God chronicles how he used exponential power to populate the earth and advance His kingdom. What does it look like to harness that power in terms of your leadership? ...your company?
A powerful exploration of pervasive Biblical truth applied to the marketplace.
Exponential Leadership | 4-6 | Bruce Wilkinson
From Genesis to Revelation, God chronicles how he used exponential power to populate the earth and advance His kingdom. What does it look like to harness that power in terms of your leadership? ...your company?
A powerful exploration of pervasive Biblical truth applied to the marketplace.
A Time for Prayer | Henry Blackaby
In this profound and timeless message on the critical importance of prayer and how God uses business leaders, Henry Blackaby drives home some points that all of us should consider if we want to be used by God.
Discussion & Application Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/FCCI_A_Time_for_Prayer-sessions1-3Discussion_guide.pdf
Experiencing God in Your Business | Segments 1-4 of 8
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Dr. Henry Blackaby spoke with authority on how vital it is to have absolute clarity on what God is saying in the moment. The Biblical authority and depth of conviction expressed here has changed lives.
Take time to give it thoughtful consideration, especially as you consider your life and business stewardship.
32 Page Discussion Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/BLGDiscussion.Guide_.HBlackaby.ExperiencingGodThruYourBusiness-1-8..pdf
Experiencing God in Your Business | Segments 5-8
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Dr. Henry Blackaby spoke with authority on how vital it is to have absolute clarity on what God is saying in the moment. The Biblical authority and depth of conviction expressed here has changed lives.
Take time to give it thoughtful consideration, especially as you consider your life and business stewardship.
32 Page Discussion Guide: fcci.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/BLGDiscussion.Guide_.HBlackaby.ExperiencingGodThruYourBusiness-1-8..pdf
Holy Ambition | Chip Ingram 11 Sessions
Chip Ingram unpacks the challenge of passionately pursuing the principles laid out in the business classic Good to Great. Prepare to be challenged to pursue greatness for God’s glory and your own fulfillment!
Principles of Decision Making-2 | Bobb Biehl | 8 Sessions
Bobb Biehl has coached, mentored and couselled boardroom executives for decades. He once wrote a classic business resource called "Board Room Bible." Though out of print, it may be one of the greatest classic leadership books ever written for excutives at all levels. In this series, Bobb unpacks 8 sessions of some of the most practical, impactful content ever delivered at an FCCI conference.
Ownership vs Stewardship | Walt Wiley
"God owns it all" is not something you can just check off a list, it changes everything! Once you encounter that Biblical truth and commit to it, your trajectory and daily habits should change as you as the steward check in more and more often with the owner.